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Saturday, February 11, 2006

new weekly ILL Clan series

The ILL Clan of "Larry and Lenny Lumberjack" fame have moved from political (in-)correct satire to gaming news with their all new show "trash talk".
The ambitious new format tries to bring you gaming news with ILL Will and his missile sidekick Mal once a week!
You can go grab the first episode over at the ILLclan website. Or subscribe to their iTunes Videocast.
After "Gaming News with Lady Mainframe" by binarypictureshow, which came out a while ago, this is the second recent gaming related machinima show.


At 11:33 AM, fiezi said...

Anthony Bailey (co-founder of writes:

On your blog, you write re the new ILL Clan show:
> After "Gaming News with Lady Mainframe" by binarypictureshow , which
> came out a while ago, this is the second gaming related machinima show.

I mainly wanted to note that said show is at least the third machinima
covering games scene news - the grandaddy was "Quake2 Late Nite with
Essobie and Toxy", back in 1998/9:


the news post has been slightly modified to accomodate the changes. Apologies for that.


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